A Theory About Conspiracy Theories

By Eric Zanzucchi (@ericzanzucchi)

Are you sitting down? I believe that Neil Armstrong landed on the moon. I know it may seem crazy, but that’s what I believe. Do you know why I believe that? Any Russian with a decent telescope could have charted the path of Apollo 11 to make sure the U.S. is being honest.

I get why some people have a hard time believing that we landed on the moon. It’s hard to believe. A few decades earlier we were confined to our planet. It’s hard to believe, but it happened. It’s hard to believe that one man, Lee Harvey Oswald, could kill our president alone and so easily. But he did. It’s hard to believe that 19 terrorists could seize four planes, kill nearly 3,000 people, and send us into a war. But they did.

It’s hard for us to accept a simple explanation for any of these things. These things seem larger than life, so some people try to associate illuminati and create a more grandiose explanation. I’m not saying that some of the conspiracy theories aren’t compelling.

There’s an author named Douglas Evander Oswell who wrote a book called The Unabomber and the Zodiac. In the book he theorized that the Unabomber and the Zodiac were one in the same. He bases this mostly off of personality profiles of the unknown Zodiac killer and the known Unabomber along with the fact that the Unabomber lived in the bay area at the time of the Zodiac murders.

I haven’t read the book, but have heard Oswell defend his theory on a podcast and his theory is really compelling. He’s a smart guy, knows the facts, and presents them very well. However, there’s no doubt in my mind he’s wrong. People can create compelling theories about the moon landing, JFK’s assassination, and 9-11 being massive conspiracies. They’re compelling, but still wrong.